About me
I love listening to the chirping of the birds and feeling the joy of it inside me - feeling the vastness of the sea inside me - feeling a warm cup of green tea in my hands and savoring its taste.
I love the quiet moments when I take time for myself and "being" and accept myself as I am. I love having good conversations with people close to my heart and getting to know new people and their stories. I love to laugh and enjoy the pleasures of life with all my senses.
And I love being creative - in many different ways. From cooking, writing, painting and making furniture to creating my life.
Everyone is creative and a creator - consciously or unconsciously.
I first discovered consciousness through yoga and meditation. Over many years, this then developed into a daily practice for me to spend as many moments of my life as possible in awareness.
I have been working in design for more than 20 years. Design can emphasize a person's beauty and make them shine - and also support them in being who they are or who they want to be - and thus also reveal potentials that they can move towards more easily. Exciting!
Listening to my heart has always been an important task for me.
If I didn't do it, I brought things into my life that always made my heart ache.
That's why my design beginnings were also dedicated to fashion, but I soon realized that my heart had other plans. And that's how I got into graphic and web design for individual clients. And I love it. I get to know so many different people - each one unique and special. And that's exactly what I bring to my clients' websites.